Brian Will
Brian Will
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Japanese Grammar Analysis - Nihongo Picnic Podcast Ep 125. 小学校の運動会 - part 2 of 2
An analysis of the grammar of every sentence in a Japanese language podcast (125. 小学校の運動会).
If you have corrections, let me know in comments.
I intend to do more of this on a regular basis, though in future I will probably pick only 4-5 interesting sentences from the source material instead of going through every sentence.
Переглядів: 1 840


Japanese Grammar Analysis - Nihongo Picnic Podcast Ep 125. 小学校の運動会 - part 1 of 2
Переглядів 1,2 тис.6 місяців тому
An analysis of the grammar of every sentence in a Japanese language podcast (125. 小学校の運動会). If you have corrections, let me know in comments. I intend to do more of this on a regular basis, though in future I will probably pick only 4-5 interesting sentences from the source material instead of going through every sentence. (Doing every single sentence turns out to take many hours of recording a...
Japanese language trainer program
Переглядів 5 тис.7 місяців тому
A program I've made for learning Japanese:
Unity DOTS (Data-Oriented Technology Stack) overview
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Quick rundown of DOTS. Detailed coverage in the rest of the playlist:
Unity ECS (Entity Component System) - Object/Chunk/Shared/SystemState Components and Blob Assets
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Covers some of the more advanced features of Unity's ECS: Object Components, Chunk Components, Shared Components, SystemState Components, and Blob Assets.
Unity ECS Angry Bots demo - full code walkthrough
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Walkthrough of this example by Mike Geig, I forgot to mention in the video that the enemies are animated by their shader. It's the shader that makes them shimmy, not any MonoBehavior or ECS code. The video I mentioned, 'Converting scene data to DOTS':
Unity ECS (Entity Component System) - 1 of 2
Переглядів 11 тис.4 роки тому
Unity ECS (Entity Component System) - 1 of 2
Unity ECS (Entity Component System) - 2 of 2
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Unity ECS (Entity Component System) - 2 of 2
the Unity job system
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the Unity job system
Every programming language in (another) 15 minutes: data types
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A very brief survey of the most essential concepts about data types common to most programming languages. Follow up to
OpenGL - introduction
Переглядів 67 тис.4 роки тому
Code examples derived from work by Joey de Vries, @joeydevries, author of All code samples, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are licensed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license as published by Creative Commons, either version 4 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
OpenGL - lighting with the Phong reflection model (part 1 of 2)
Переглядів 31 тис.4 роки тому
Code samples derived from work by Joey de Vries, @joeydevries, author of All code samples, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are licensed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license as published by Creative Commons, either version 4 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
OpenGL - lighting with the Phong reflection model (part 2 of 2)
Переглядів 15 тис.4 роки тому
Code samples derived from work by Joey de Vries, @joeydevries, author of All code samples, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are licensed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license as published by Creative Commons, either version 4 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
OpenGL - vertex attributes and uniforms
Переглядів 7 тис.4 роки тому
Code samples derived from work by Joey de Vries, @joeydevries, author of All code samples, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are licensed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license as published by Creative Commons, either version 4 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
OpenGL - textures
Переглядів 16 тис.4 роки тому
Code samples derived from work by Joey de Vries, @joeydevries, author of All code samples, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are licensed under the terms of the CC BY-NC 4.0 license as published by Creative Commons, either version 4 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
OpenGL - create a window
Переглядів 15 тис.4 роки тому
OpenGL - create a window
OpenGL - draw a triangle
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OpenGL - draw a triangle
OpenGL - camera movement
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OpenGL - camera movement
OpenGL - model transform and projection
Переглядів 7 тис.4 роки тому
OpenGL - model transform and projection
OpenGL - specular IBL (image based lighting)
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OpenGL - specular IBL (image based lighting)
OpenGL - diffuse IBL (image based lighting)
Переглядів 9 тис.4 роки тому
OpenGL - diffuse IBL (image based lighting)
OpenGL - PBR (physically based rendering)
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OpenGL - PBR (physically based rendering)
OpenGL - SSAO (screen space ambient occlusion)
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OpenGL - SSAO (screen space ambient occlusion)
OpenGL - deferred rendering
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OpenGL - deferred rendering
OpenGL - gamma correction, HDR tone mapping, bloom
Переглядів 12 тис.4 роки тому
OpenGL - gamma correction, HDR tone mapping, bloom
OpenGL - normal maps
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OpenGL - normal maps
OpenGL - shadow maps (for point lights)
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OpenGL - shadow maps (for point lights)
OpenGL - shadow maps (for directional lights)
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OpenGL - shadow maps (for directional lights)
OpenGL - instancing
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OpenGL - instancing
OpenGL - geometry shaders
Переглядів 14 тис.4 роки тому
OpenGL - geometry shaders


  • @alienews0
    @alienews0 5 годин тому

    XD what a stupid title... Btw multiplying is wrong it is not safe cause u can make error by using it, u should only make addition of 1 until u reach the result, it's way way safer... Yeah multiplying and OOP are bad cause i'm too stupid to use them correctly and i make a lot of error when i try, so they are very bad as they are not brainlesspeopleproof 🤪 PS you should stay immobile, cause when you walk the probabilty of falling ain't zero, so just lay on the ground it's safer... And ask Brian Will for GTA 7 he is currently programming it in a procedural way with a bunch of his friends who just like him think procedural programming is the future (when we all know it's the past) so just wait one or two centuries and Brian will prove his point by releasing GTA7, his procedural chef d'oeuvre 🤣😂 idiots dare to do anything, that’s even how we recognize them ; that video got such a daring title ^^

  • @beest_
    @beest_ 4 дні тому

    For all programming techniques, 1: learn the implementation and techniques. 2: use them to effectively create a tools to address a problem. Example: ytDbTk class ytDb.Query ytDb.AcrionA.....ActionZ You now can have mySql, MongoDb, ....every databse child classes of ytDbTk that only need to override Query method and you dont have to worry about Actions A .Z Additional you can now have areays of subclasses as one and not make your own bookkeeping etc. OOP is just a tool, and if it's misused by the programer then not a fault of OO. You cannot make alternative solution of above scenario and easier to upkeep, understand and work with

    • @darkengine5931
      @darkengine5931 2 дні тому

      I'd contest the final point. The most extensible possible way to achieve that dynamic branching is not through overriden functions of an abstract data type, but a procedural dylib with a C API (the most universally understood across languages). Then third party developers who don't even have access to your source code can add support for MySQL into your software through a plugin, e.g., which they load into your host application.

  • @donwald3436
    @donwald3436 4 дні тому

    18:15 OMG you just explained why Angular sucks so bad!!!!! lol

  • @rouvem12
    @rouvem12 4 дні тому

    How are C++ lambdas different from your ideal anonymous function example?

  • @junesuprise
    @junesuprise 4 дні тому

    13:38 This play game function code xdddd wtf

  • @Crygd-utre1
    @Crygd-utre1 5 днів тому

    oop still using in all industry until now

  • @grzegorzmajcher9237
    @grzegorzmajcher9237 5 днів тому

    Much Ado About Nothing. He does not understand what OOP is for.

  • @KNHSynths
    @KNHSynths 5 днів тому

    The real title of the video should be "how someone who doesn't even understand a technology chooses to criticize it instead of humbly admitting he doesn't understand it, and learning from it". Seriously, delete this video if you don't want to ruin your career - your credibility has gone into the red zone.

  • @jacksonfive5180
    @jacksonfive5180 6 днів тому

    Fantastic explanation.

  • @QuikRay
    @QuikRay 6 днів тому

    There is no OOP that comes close to C++. OOP is the best programming idea that ever came along. BTW, it's subjective to show examples to prove your point. Examples fall on the programmer not the language. OOP is a methodology that C++ implements very well once a programmer fully understands how to properly use it. Most of the time the programmer is the problem, not the language.

  • @danhonks6264
    @danhonks6264 7 днів тому

    8 years later and most folks are moving away from OOP languages, dude was right

  • @Nesetalis
    @Nesetalis 7 днів тому

    I'm taking exception to the complaint on "abstract" the programming use is the noun, the use the video has is the adjective. ;p

  • @esantix
    @esantix 8 днів тому

    On min 33:15: what does it mean there's a buffer for each block? All storage is "repeated" on disk and the buffer?

  • @hlrhlrhlr6955
    @hlrhlrhlr6955 8 днів тому

    This is really mean actually

  • @forest6008
    @forest6008 8 днів тому

    maybe markdown for terminal output

  • @MrNucleosome
    @MrNucleosome 8 днів тому

    The main reasons for using OOP are inheritance and better organziation. It does make sense to have a FtpDownloader class because you will always know that your FTP operations are found within this class. If you need several instances and maybe some with TLS/SSL encryption you don't need to overwrite your code but instead you can inherit from this class. This will guarantee legacy compatibility with zero risk of breaking. This is very important in large scale high demanding systems. But of course OOP is not suited for every use case.

  • @burakaydn5661
    @burakaydn5661 10 днів тому

    Use declaration is very “Rust”

  • @LuanLouzada
    @LuanLouzada 10 днів тому

    Let's deconstruct the video's arguments point by point: Encapsulation: Claiming that encapsulation fails at granular levels demonstrates an incomplete understanding of the concept. Encapsulation is not about completely isolating every variable, but about organizing code into cohesive units with well-defined interfaces. This organization, even at micro-levels, improves code maintainability, reusability, and testability. Modern OOP, with interfaces and dependency injection, minimizes coupling and makes state management easier. Classes: Indeed, classes can be misused and lead to excessive abstraction. However, the fault lies not with OOP itself, but with the lack of experience or discipline of programmers. Good design practices, such as SOLID, and object-oriented modeling tools, like UML, guide the development of cohesive and reusable classes. Ignoring the abstraction power offered by classes is denying oneself a powerful tool for modeling complex systems in a more natural and intuitive way. Abstraction: Abstraction is not the enemy; it is an essential ally for managing the increasing complexity of modern software. Well-defined abstractions allow programmers to focus on high-level concepts without getting lost in implementation details. OOP, with its concepts of inheritance, polymorphism, and interfaces, provides robust mechanisms for building efficient and reusable abstractions. One must recognize that good abstractions take time and experience to develop. Performance: Reducing the issue of performance to a mere "garbage collection" problem ignores the advances in compilers and runtimes of languages like Java, which optimize code efficiently. Furthermore, OOP does not preclude using performance optimization techniques like "Data-Oriented Design." It's important to remember that code readability and maintainability, facilitated by OOP, contribute to long-term performance optimization. Code Aesthetics: Code aesthetics are not a mere whim but a crucial factor for code readability and maintainability. By structuring code into cohesive units with well-defined interfaces, OOP contributes to more organized and easy-to-understand code. Ignoring code aesthetics is sacrificing code readability and, therefore, ease of maintenance and evolution.

    • @darkengine5931
      @darkengine5931 3 дні тому

      Keep in mind that Brian is a game programmer and the kind of complex data-oriented requirements many games and other complex simulations tend to have. As a simple example, consider designing the AD&D rule book in terms of object-oriented design. At a glance, it might seem like there are all sorts of abstractions we can derive: creatures, consumable items, equipment, spells, environments, weather, etc. However, really try to imagine what it's like to find the appropriate abstractions and interface designs for 300+ pages of rules like this: >> Nystul's Magic Aura : By means of this spell any one item of a weight of 50 g.p. per level of experience of the spell caster can be given an aura which will be noticed if detection of magic is exercised upon the object. If the object bearing the Nystul's Magic Aura is actually held by the creature detecting for a Dweomer, he, she or it is entitled to a saving throw versus magic, and if this throw is successful, the creature knows that the aura has been placed to mislead the unwary. Otherwise, the aura is simply magical, but no amount of testing will reveal what the magic is. The component for this spell is a small square of silk which must be passed over the object to bear the aura. The first thing you'll likely notice is that to even begin to consider an optimal way to tackle creating an OO architecture, you'll need to understand all of the 300+ pages of the rulebook upfront to clearly understand how every single concrete object can be generalized and abstracted, and every single obscure interaction between every single possible abstraction against every other abstraction. Otherwise, you'll quickly find all your abstractions wanting to turn into anemic designs with little more than getters/setters, or massive monolithic interfaces with hundreds to thousands of methods, you'll want to end up downcasting away abstractions left and right, all of which then also completely break our valiant attempts at abstracting away concretions along with trying to minimize access to the underlying data (breaking encapsulation). Furthermore, even if you memorize all 300+ pages by heart and come up with the cleanest OO design possible with the strongest possible encapsulation and the most generalized abstractions, now what happens when the next edition comes out which introduces so many new rules and brand new types of objects and interactions between them? It could break massive portions of your entire architecture. Meanwhile, when you approach the rulebook with its tables and numbers with a procedural or functional data-oriented mindset, you can begin coding right away. The code ends up becoming a near one-to-one translation of the rulebook (structs for tables that unashamedly open public access to their fields/member variables, functions that input instances of those structs for rules that modify those tables), and the code can easily be adjusted and adapted to new editions of AD&D rules without having to rewrite massive portions of your codebase. OO works well for simple needs where you can hide most of the complexity of working with data within an concrete object's definition. It cannot ever create a very clean and flexible codebase in cases where the bulk of the complexity is interobject in nature, and not intraobject. The higher the complexity of the interobject requirements and the more likely they are to change in the future, the more you'll approach a need to weaken and weaken your encapsulation until it becomes worse than pointless and the ultimate contributor of complexity.

  • @naterivard
    @naterivard 10 днів тому

    Amazing series but I personally disagree about big vs little endian :) Big endian makes more sense for HUMANS to read them as numbers going left to right. The advantage of little endian however is that the least significant digit of ANY size number is always in the same place. So code operating on numbers can start at the same index and grow in the same direction regardless of storage class. This yields a lot of benefits especially in instruction decoding like branches that jump near or far. Personally don't like x86 as an ISA or anything else really but i do feel like they (and 6502) got this right.

  • @CTimmerman
    @CTimmerman 11 днів тому

    True Functional Programming has never been tried! Oh wait, this video argues for "do the thing" comments for every line that does the thing, in one giant function with anonymous subfunctions or rather weird use blocks. KISS and stick to functions plskthnx.

  • @TheRevAlokSingh
    @TheRevAlokSingh 11 днів тому

    The convenience mentioned at 14:10 is in Lean 4 through Koka

  • @kyuuketsukikun420
    @kyuuketsukikun420 11 днів тому

    fyi chimera is pronounced Kai-mira. idky but it is.

  • @rabbirt
    @rabbirt 13 днів тому

    Real programmers put all their code in a single file

  • @jfsanchez91
    @jfsanchez91 13 днів тому

    22:59 this is not even close to a "better" solution, i would love to see how you add to that spaghetti code a new DateTime parser, and then a new Base64 decoder parser, and then a new URL parser, and then a new valid file system path parser, and so on. The problem with your video, is that you take the examples only as they are presented, only for that small domain requirement, you do not see the bigger picture at all. Your "better" solution is not open for extension at all, any new parser requires adding a bunch of new IF statements into that - already complex- spaghetti code.

    • @darkengine5931
      @darkengine5931 2 дні тому

      Fair enough if you're optimizing for ease of change as a writer and editor, but I'd argue that Brian's solution is superior in terms of ease of comprehension as a reader given that it requires fewer elements to comprehend at the surface level as he points out. Also Brian's code is opposite of spaghetti code as its control flow is explicitly hierarchal in nature. The former one is closer to spaghetti in its control flow, as you'd have to visualize it like a DAG if you draw it out in full. The reason GOTO was considered the original source of spaghetti back in the day is that it turns what is generally a very sequential and hierarchal control flow into a complex graph. Branching all over the place tracing function calls has a similar effect. If you are jumping into unpredictable places tracing through code in the debugger, that's spaghetti code. Brian's is opposite; if you trace through his code, the jumps resulting from branching are extremely clear and easily anticipated.

  • @piffe
    @piffe 15 днів тому

    I come back to this about yearly, and every year I’m more and more pushed to the opinion that this man is both confidently wrong on most of his ideas in general but he’s well spoken so people eat it up.

  • @milanvlaski2175
    @milanvlaski2175 17 днів тому

    Where did you get the idea from that messages only send copies of state? In a pure OO language, every passed parameter would be a reference.

  • @rusovietik
    @rusovietik 20 днів тому

    43:20, Julia has the equivalent of use blocks, also has no objects. The only problem I see with this languaje is that is very domain specific, but the got many things right.

  • @TheRojo387
    @TheRojo387 20 днів тому

    The bottom-up address space seems to make sense for the little-endian storage of data...especially to an Irish viewer (as Ogham script is literally just etched upward along a sharp edge on a rock or a post). Except...execution of code progresses up the addresses too, and Logisim, for one thing, shows data addresses increasing DOWN the ROM and RAM.

  • @idontlikethewar
    @idontlikethewar 21 день тому

    I didn't know I wasn't the only one who feels this way.

  • @MrMariozzz78
    @MrMariozzz78 21 день тому

    for ray tracing i need vulkan library?

    • @arphenti2502
      @arphenti2502 20 днів тому

      Not necessarily. You can do it yourself

    • @MrMariozzz78
      @MrMariozzz78 20 днів тому

      @@arphenti2502 you mean that with opengl you can create a "homemade" algorithm without the need for external libraries

    • @arphenti2502
      @arphenti2502 20 днів тому

      @@MrMariozzz78 no, I meant you could trace the rays and write the final into the color buffer allocated by yourself. You don’t even need opengl for that

  • @maximyanchenko3780
    @maximyanchenko3780 22 дні тому

    "you don't need a class, hash_map will work just fine" (conveniently forgetting that hash_map is a class itself) ;)

  • @Sentom23
    @Sentom23 22 дні тому

    12:30 Damn I remember having to restart flash games back in the day because they would crash after a while because of memory leaks, nice to somewhat understand why now

  • @AnantaAkash.Podder
    @AnantaAkash.Podder 24 дні тому

    The best Explanation...❤️❤️

  • @NoName-md6fd
    @NoName-md6fd 24 дні тому

    I'm just fiddling with programming languages, but yes if you argue that OOP fails at encapsulating states it is true. Functional programming languages like Haskell solved that problem brilliantly. Haskell never was widely used but nowadays most programming languages borrows some of it's concepts like python. The real problem is mutable states in the first place, and we can't get rid of these problems because if weird stuff to going to happen it will. OOP just delays the problem. But you know what really bothers me about OOP ? "You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle" - Joe Armstrong

  • @MrMariozzz78
    @MrMariozzz78 24 дні тому

    i use opegl in dev c++ gl library i guess it pre 2.0 so it dont use GLSL ...can i use phong light with 2.0 pre.version?

  • @pawpenggaga
    @pawpenggaga 25 днів тому

    Haven't seen the video but based

  • @walidyider7766
    @walidyider7766 28 днів тому


  • @demolazer
    @demolazer 28 днів тому

    OOP dominates not because it's better, but because it's easier to conceptualise and build, more intuitive for the human brain.

  • @setsuro.splice
    @setsuro.splice 28 днів тому

    You sir... are a hero. Thank you for this series... been so educational! <3

  • @mlsh-azerty
    @mlsh-azerty 29 днів тому

    i need a transcript of the whole video 😂

  • @chudchadanstud
    @chudchadanstud Місяць тому

    >"Amidst the allure of simplicity, don't mistake complexity for incompetence. While it's easy to dismiss intricate systems as flawed, true brilliance lies in discerning when complexity serves a purpose. Beware of praising simplicity blindly, for in the realm of intellect, it's the mastery of intricacies that truly distinguishes the brilliant from the mundane."

  • @oteragard8077
    @oteragard8077 Місяць тому

    So how did this video age

  • @Orla462
    @Orla462 Місяць тому

    I've fallen in love with data-oriented programming..

  • @member.x.from.sai-teiki
    @member.x.from.sai-teiki Місяць тому


  • @user-fn3yl8yd9n
    @user-fn3yl8yd9n Місяць тому

    Discovered this masterpiece in 2024, man, I feel that pain, all that time I was facing with OOP bloatware and nonsense, when you eventually solved one OOP issue and introduced few new one, just asking all the time "why, why so complicated.."

  • @DarkHorseSki
    @DarkHorseSki Місяць тому

    I completely agree with this video! I learned structured programming and the issues with objects is figuring out the best design for the objects and inheritance, at the start. OOP code, almost always compiles into bigger code that runs slower.

  • @midwestmystic6431
    @midwestmystic6431 Місяць тому

    This was made 8 years ago. He said 10 years from then it would be the default. It's definitely gone in that direction. I remember back in college thinking OOP was great and it made sense. Then I started working on large scale projects in the real world and realizing it creates more problems than it solves, yet my peers just kept chugging along singing its praises. OOP almost seemed like a cult looking back 😂.

  • @user-dc9mh6hc9k
    @user-dc9mh6hc9k Місяць тому

    Encapsulation is the worst...

  • @sjwarialaw8155
    @sjwarialaw8155 Місяць тому

    Completely amateur programmer here, trying to make a game with no education or experience coding. Most tutorials I find teach OOP, but for some reason I just can't adapt to it, its as this video says, anything with any complexity that needs multiple linked behaviors becomes an entangled mess, leading to paralysis. So now I'm just coding without almost any inheritance, it just seems more logical, any instance of something I create, I just store it everywhere it will be used, so when I need to use it I just know exactly where it is, plus every class when instanced I also put a reference to it inside a global dictionary, so no matter what, I always have a way to acess it easily. Not sure if I'm doing this correctly, or if this is considered procedural, but its flowing much better. Loved the video, its good to know that there are other options other than OOP.

    • @darkengine5931
      @darkengine5931 3 дні тому

      OOP is often especially disastrous for video games where you have very complex interobject interactions. At the end of the day, all every video game does along with every single software that has ever existed does is input, output, or modify data. Also OOP can trick you into thinking that you need a new type for every new concrete noun, as though an Elf must be a different data type than a Dwarf rather than just having a data field to identify what type of creature they are. That will skyrocket the size and complexity of your codebase very rapidly. Model your designs with data as much as possible and your life will become so much easier. Object-oriented polymorphism is only useful when you need to branch between operating on things that require very different data, not things that can all be modeled with the same data.

  • @user-zu4ft8yw9e
    @user-zu4ft8yw9e Місяць тому

    Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a powerful and widely-used programming paradigm, but it's essential to understand its concepts and best practices to avoid potential issues. Let's discuss these problems and provide solutions to make your OOP code more efficient and maintainable. 1. Problem: Lack of Encapsulation Solution: Properly encapsulate data and behavior within classes. Encapsulation helps protect the internal state of an object and provides a clear boundary between different parts of the program. By doing so, you can control how the data is accessed and modified, ensuring data integrity and reducing the chances of introducing bugs. 2. Problem: Poor Inheritance Usage Solution: Use inheritance when it makes sense and avoid overusing it. Inheritance is a powerful tool for code reuse, but it can lead to issues if not used appropriately. Overusing inheritance can result in complex class hierarchies, making the code harder to understand and maintain. Instead, consider using composition (aggregation) or interfaces to achieve code reuse and maintain flexibility. 3. Problem: Overly Complex Design Solution: Strive for simplicity and adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). The SRP states that a class should have only one reason to change. By keeping classes focused on a single responsibility, you can create more modular and maintainable code. This also makes it easier to understand the purpose of each class and reduces the chances of introducing unintended side effects. 4. Problem: Inadequate Testing Solution: Write comprehensive unit tests to ensure your OOP code functions as expected. Testing is crucial in identifying and fixing issues early in the development process. By writing unit tests for your classes and methods, you can verify their behavior and ensure that they meet the desired specifications. This helps maintain code quality and reduces the risk of introducing regressions when making future changes. In summary, Object-Oriented Programming can be powerful and beneficial when used correctly. By focusing on encapsulation, proper inheritance usage, simple design, and thorough testing, you can create more robust and maintainable code.